Monday, 5 March 2012

Connected TV and the idea of companion devices- is Smart TV what people want?

Smart TV as one integrated product is a great idea but media experts like Tom Cape, CEO of Capablue & Sky TVs Brain Lens believe that companion devices are the way forward. They argue that companion devices like iPads, tablets, mobile phones etc will transform the way that we use TV and that many of the services offered by Smart TV e.g. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc are just apps that are already available. They believe that instead of redeveloping these apps for TVs, they should be developed and integrated with TVs. This creates the idea of a companion device, one that works alongside a TV to provide the consumer with a new more interactive experience. It is already being experimented with by company's like 'Zeebox'- see my previous blog post for more information on this service.

"In reality I don't think your gunna get much interaction with customers on TV because customers are sitting back watching TV but they might well have their companion device on their lap and that's where they'll be transacting, that's where they'll be interacting with advertising, that's where they'll be making transactions, purchasing and entering data.." Cape T. 2011. 

"The real question of something like those apps is 'are they putting them up just to have lots of things to say and is it cluttering TV viewing?" Lens B. 2011.

"I can barely get my kids to tolerate me looking at the guide, so the interesting question is are there enough reasons where you can use these apps unobtrusively." Lens B. 2011.

This point is very interesting and highlights the flaws with Smart TV, do people really want all those things on their TV or would they prefer it on a companion device, which if they choose, they can use to interact with their TV. Brain Lens from Sky has similar feelings and feels that TV apps are cluttering TV viewing and questions their usefullness for the viewer given the option of companion devices.


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